The Future of Print Books: Why They're A Secret Self-Publishing Weapon

The Future of Print Books: Why They're A Secret Self-Publishing Weapon

Have you read the articles? You know the ones. They say that print publishing is dying, and that e-books are all the rage. They say that self-publishers shouldn't even bother with print books anymore, that they're a waste of time. I admit that I've believed them before. 

Here's the thing: maybe print books don't work for everyone. Maybe e-readers are the future. But let's take a look at this logically. If print books are dead, why is Amazon opening physical bookstores? Why are independent bookstores thriving? While there are many reasons, I'd like to sum it up in a word: experience. 

As our lives move more and more toward the virtual, people are craving the tangible even more. We love the experience of an independent bookstore. We love the experience of finding our favorite book on the shelves. So, if you're thinking of discounting the print book, I'd take a closer look first. 

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100+ Writing Prompts to Get You Writing More

100+ Writing Prompts to Get You Writing More

Are you struggling to come up with ideas? When you're stuck staring at a blank screen, it's time to get the creativity flowing! If you're looking for a way to break up your same old ideas, look no further. 

I've created 100+ writing prompts to get you writing more, faster. Take some time to explore the categories and pick the right prompt for you and your story. Then, bookmark this page for future projects! 

Okay, let's get started.

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