100+ Writing Prompts to Get You Writing More

100+ Writing Prompts to Get You Writing More

Are you struggling to come up with ideas? When you're stuck staring at a blank screen, it's time to get the creativity flowing! If you're looking for a way to break up your same old ideas, look no further. 

I've created 100+ writing prompts to get you writing more, faster. Take some time to explore the categories and pick the right prompt for you and your story. Then, bookmark this page for future projects! 

Okay, let's get started.

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That Was the Year Sneak Peak #1

photo via picjumbo

You know what I haven't done in a while? Shared a scene with you. Hi. Welcome to this new blog-ish. Since Blots & Plots has become pretty focused on writing tips, I don't want to crowd that space with my scenes. 

So, voila! This is a messier, less focused, fun space for me to share my writing/personal life/Hamilton obsession. Okay, I'll keep that last one to a minimum.

As you may know, I'm working on my second full-length novel, That Was the Year. I haven't released very much information on this, other than that it's based on Reese's story, post-#TATM. (Definition: TATM is a hashtag for my first book, These Are the Moments.) 

Today, I want to share a scene with you from my three favorite characters in this series: Reese, Vivian, and Wendy. With Wendy out of state, their primary form of communication is texting. Here's a conversation for you: 

Group Chat #107

Wendy: “Ask me about my dating life. I dare you.”

Vivian: “Stop complaining. You don’t get to complain until there’s a ring on your finger and a pile of dirty boy underwear in your hamper. I’ll spare you the details.”

Reese: “Seriously? You are BOTH depressing the hell out of me. Positive vibes only, please.”

Wendy: “How’s the job going, Reese?”

Reese: “I get free coffee all day long. How do you think it’s going?”

Vivian: “I’m jealous. I’d love a job that I can just leave at work, you know? Seems nice.”

Reese: “Is that a backhanded way of saying I have an easy job? Because I’d like to see you fix an espresso machine sometime.”

Vivian: “That’s not what I said.”

Reese: “It sounded like it to me.”

Wendy: “Hey! Positive vibes only, remember?”

Vivian: “Here’s something positive. It’s been weeks since I got a 3 a.m. call from Reese.”

Wendy: “Hold up. Are you growing up or something? You’re not allowed to grow up without three weeks notice, minimum.”

Reese: “I’m not growing up. I’m just more tired than usual. I never knew how exhausting standing could be.”

Vivian: “When’s the last time you went out?”

Reese: “I don’t know. Let me check my calendar…”

Wendy: “Your drunk texts have been few and far between…”

Reese: “I get it. It’s been a while.”

Wendy: “How’s Liam?”

Reese: “Why?”

Wendy: “Umm, because he’s your roommate?”

Vivian: “Slash ex-boyfriend?”

Reese: “First of all… he was never my boyfriend.”

Wendy: “So you say.”

Reese: “Second of all… he’s fine.”

Vivian: “It’s hard to tell over text, but in my mind you used ‘fine’ in the sluttiest sense of the word.”

Wendy: “She’s practically stripping as we speak.”

Reese: “You two are hopeless. Not everything is about sex, you know.”

Wendy: “...”

Vivian: “I second that.”

Reese: “Fine, whatever. I’m growing up.”

Wendy: “I’m half proud of you, and half freaking the eff out.”

Vivian: “Well, I’m all the way proud of you, Reese. Soon you’ll be asking to join my book club.”

Reese: “No. Never. I'd rather shoot pins into my eyeballs.”

Vivian: “We’ll see.”

Reese: “So, Wendy, your dating life? Do tell.”

Wendy: “Two words: Rock. Collection.”

Vivian: “Start from the beginning and don’t you dare skip a single detail!”

Reese: “I’ve got an hour until work. SHOOT!”

So, what did you think? Want to hang out with these ladies more? Tell me in the comments what you want them to chat about next, and you may see it in scene form. 

Okay, back to writing and tweeting. 

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The Key to Finding Your WHY (and how to block out the noise)

The Key to Finding Your WHY (and how to block out the noise)

Happy Sunday, pal! Even if you're reading this on a Tuesday, or even worse, a Wednesday, I want you to pretend like it's Sunday. Because on Sundays, you get to wear pajamas all day long and no one can judge you.

Lately, I've been thinking a LOT. I've been running thoughts through this brain of mine, mainly about one specific thing: what is my why? (Also known as purpose. Not to be confused with porpoise. What?)

Allow me to elaborate. When I first started this blog, it was centered around my publishing journey. I had a very limited idea of what advice I might be able to give, because I was so new to the writing game.

At some point down the line, I started actually knowing what I was talking about. I am by no means an expert in the literary world, but I have ideas and experience under my belt. (Just kidding. I don't wear belts.) So, this blog has morphed a little more.

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